Monday, December 19, 2011


Modesto Lomba receiving the award from King Juan Carlos I

ACME's Modesto Lomba, Roberto Torretta, Lucia Cordeiro and Davidelfin, among others, with the King

Breve y excepcional post, esta vez. Tan sólo para compartir las postales del que fue un momento de orgullo para mis queridos amigos de la Asociación Creadores de Moda de España, especialmente Lucía Cordeiro y Modesto Lomba, Directora Ejecutiva y Presidente respectivamente. El reconocimiento a su labor pro desarrollo del sector moda de su país se concretó nada menos que en el máximo galardón que otorga España en materia artística y cultural: la Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes, recibida de manos del Rey Juan Carlos I. Según Lucía, el premio significa un gran estímulo para su entidad, mientras que para otros países, como algunos de Latinoamérica, bien valdría que el estímulo provenga del ejémplo constante que brinda ACME mediante su afán por sostener su industria y rebasar fronteras con su diseño Made in Spain.

Brief and exceptional post, this time. Just to share the postcards from which was a proud moment for my dear friends of the Spanish Association of Fashion Designers, especially Lucia Cordeiro and Modesto Lomba, CEO and President respectively. Recognition of their work towards the development of their country fashion industry took shape in no less than the highest award granted by Spain in art and culture: the Gold Medal of Merit in Fine Arts, received from the hands of King Juan Carlos I. According to Lucia, the award means a great stimulus to their organization, while for other countries, including some in Latin America, it would be nice if the stimulus comes from the constant example ACME provides by their effort to support their industry and go beyond boundaries with its design Made in Spain.
Photo Credit: ACME


  1. que le pasa al rey que esta con anteojos negros en todas las ultimas foto que lo he visto???

  2. Hola!!! Hey thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog
    i really appreciate it and i am now following you back...
    you see i always dreamed of visiting argentina, it always fascinated me as a country and since i've learnt spanish i've always been into the argentinian accent.
    i would love to visit one day and thank you for being so kind to me
    consider having a friend here in greece, athens, too.

  3. Thank you for checking out our blog, and the generous comment. Your blog is very inspiring, will visit regularly...

  4. Gracias María José, es precioso.

    Un abrazo grande.


  5. Muchísimas gracias Maria José.
    Un saludo,
    Eva Alcarria

  6. España hace muy buena moda, que bueno que sea reconocida.

  7. Me encanta Modesto Lomba!! Me parece genial que lo hayan reconocido!
    Como siempre, un gusto saludarte!
    Saludos desde Santiago de Chile!
    Un beso,
    @cristianpavezd en Twitter


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